Thursday, July 14, 2011

From Start...To Finish..."

My Moleskine in the Zentangle Moly_X_ 11 exchange...:)

A blank book...full pens...and an inspired Muse
awaiting their rendezvous with destiny.

My sign in pages...

My pages 1 and 2...

followed by my pages 3 and 4...:)
The medallion lifts in three layers and reads:
"A dot is a line that went for a walk..."
(~Paul Klee)
"A zentangle
is a garden of lines blooming in the mind's eye..."
a magical place where your Muse can
dance, glide and flourish
with delight!"

Following then,
are Cindy Michele's pages 5 and 6...

and Cindy's pages 7 and 8.

are Sandra's pages 9 and 10...

and Sandra's pages 11 and 12...

which, in turn
are followed by Jella's pages 13 and 14...

and Jella's pages 15 and 16.
Everything is beautifully interwoven.

Rounding out my book
are Lisa Rene's pages 17 and 18...

and Lisa's pages 19 and 20.

I have not yet determined if I will add additional pages
to my book.
Sadly, for unforeseen and unknown reasons
my book, thus far, it the only one
has completed the exchange and has returned home.
This is truly bittersweet.
Of grave concern is the whereabouts
and completion levels
of Sandra, Jella, and Lisa's books.
They have not made is past the second rotation.
We each hope and pray that
Cindy is well and that the books will once again fly free.
We have tried endlessly to make contact and resolve this dilemma.
Until then,
My Muse and I hold Cindy's book in safekeeping.

I cherish my book to pieces...she is a special irreplaceable treasure.
To Cindy, Sandra, Jella, and Lisa...
I am deeply grateful for the staggering beauty of your
intertwined artistic expressions
the countless hours of time spent by each of you
while you danced and glided and flourished with your artistic Muses
in my Moly.
You gals are the best!

“Life is inherently risky.
There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs,
and that is the risk of doing
~Denis Waitley

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Margaret's Third Entry...Jella's Moly...A Repost...:)

...Jella's sign in pages...
...Jella's pages 1 and 2...
...Jella's pages 3 and 4...
...Lisa's pages 5, 6 and 7... page 8
intertwined and spiralling in connection
with a few of Lisa's green swirls...
...Lisa's page 7 and my pages 8 and 9...
look closely and you can see the edges of each page... pages 9, 10 and 11...
a happily nesting peacock in full zentangled glory...
...and finally my page 11 and my page 12...
where Cindy Michele
will connect with her sequence of designs.
Lastly, how about a peek at some
real life photos taken
just before Jella's book was shipped December 29th.
Jella's sign in pages (above)
followed by...
...Jella's four design pages linking to Lisa's...
...Lisa's design pages linking to mine...
...and my design pages
ready to be linked in the next round...:)
Here is a view of the entire book thus far...
it is simply delightful.
I am happy to say that
it is now officially all signed and sealed
and delivered...
(with a USPS confirmed delivery December 31, 2010)
to Cindy in Tennessee.
(Click on any image to enlarge...)

"Great things are not done by impulse...
but by a series of small things
all brought together."
~Vincent Van Gogh

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tentacles and Butterflies

This was fun because I was able to blend my entry with both Jella's and molossus' entries by folding the moly and meeting each of our designs at the seems. This was fun because when viewing my entry with Jella's, my and molossus' entries seem to leave off, go behind and come out the other end of Jella's. But when moly is folded back and molossus' and my entries are placed side by side, they flow together as well. So this was like working in two moly's at the same time...really fun compositional problem-solving!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Lisa Rene's entry in Jella's Moly

My entry in Jella's moly pages 5 - 8 a.k.a. "Rumi, Unchain My Heart". Inspired by the quotes that Jella incorporated into her zentangle, I incorporated a quote by Rumi that is dear to me:

"Your task is not to seek for love, but to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." Thank you Rumi.

Media: Sharpie Marker, Sakura Micron Pigma, Ball point pen, Prismacolor pencil

Next Entry Please!

Hey there! Let's all post our next entries please...meaning the second zentangle drawing but in our first rotation. I am so excited that this blog is getting updated little by little...YAY!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Presenting Cindy Michelle's Moly..."

...official sign in pages...
...followed by pages 2, 3, and 4...:

Click on images to enlarge if you like...:)

Monday, June 6, 2011

My sign-in page

My First Entry

This was the first entry in my moly for the Zentangle Moly Exchange Group which began at the end of last Summer/beginning of Fall. There have been so much beautiful work created by this group. Like Margaret, I am also very eager to have my dear little moly arrive soon into my grateful hands. Stay tuned for more uploads!